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School for the street-children.


Estimated there are more than lakh children of Kolkata are homeless. They lose their normal growth as a child and start to get associated with various livelihoods from early days of their childhood. The education of those who do not have a roof over their heads, do not have assurance of two meals a day is unimaginable. So with these children in mind, Light House has started an evening school in the area adjacent to MG Road Metro station.  We started our plan during the Iftar party on June 18, 2017 and the school became a reality through our first class on July 7, 2017. We have started our school with just 12 students, and now the school is grown up with 53 students on board. Developing a good mental health and having a good cultural identity is very essntiatial for the growth of a child. 
Apart from normal education, we also teach them various activities like drawing, poetry, dance, handicraft, lifestyle, etiquette. We celebrate all religious festivals and also the national festivals like Independence day in the school. We have organised several cultural programs, like Rabindra sangeet, recitation etc, for them on the stages of Srirampur College and Surendranath College.

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